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“Have nothing in your house that you do not know to be useful, or believe to be beautiful.” – William Morris
Saturday, March 19, 11:30 PM (CDT) – Your closet will start screaming, your garage is overloaded, and your car, well that’s been calling to you since last spring. Are you ready for it? The oft-mentioned season to clean, donate and make your garbage man work overtime…the vernal equinox – the first day of spring (cleaning).
The vernal equinox isn’t the most celebrated of days, but may be one of the most anticipated. New beginnings and cleaner houses make spring one of the most inspired times of the year. According to timeanddate.com, “On the equinoxes the Sun shines directly on the equator and the length of day and night is nearly equal – but not quite.”
The idea of a nearly equal day and night gives the impression of balance. A recently purged closet gives a sense of structure and neatness. An added bonus: a guilt-free opportunity to buy some new clothes! Cleaning out a garage that couldn’t hold a car would provide a sense of satisfaction and fewer days of starting your car in the rain.
What is it about the equinox that inspires cleaning? Some research shows the origin of spring cleaning may lie in ancient religious/cultural traditions. For those celebrating Easter (just over seven days after the equinox), you relish the idea of having a clean house in time for a big dinner. Once the weather gets a little less drafty, people throw open their windows and breathe in fresh air. Everyone needs a sense of renewal, especially after a hard winter. Think of it as New Year’s but without the unkept resolutions.
A quick perusal of spring cleaning checklists online (check out the list on imperfecthomemaking.com) outlines a potentially daunting catalogue of tasks. Some you may have never heard of (guilty!). Some may be great chore ideas for your kids. Either way, a successful spring cleaning has more to do with your state of mind than what you check off a list. Donating gently worn clothing, dropping off old books and art supplies to a school, or finally getting rid of that tattered blanket can be just enough to lighten your heart.
So throw on some music and get going on that closet, room or file cabinet…you’ve got until September 22, the next (autumnal) equinox.
By: Melissa Hardin Baysinger