CT537 – General Psychiatrist

Job Description

A private nonprofit psychiatric hospital located in CT is recruiting for a full-time Staff Psychiatrist position. The person in this position will provide direct care in a variety of settings in the Hospital during absences of other attending psychiatrists for vacations, illness or other similar occasions. The successful candidate will enjoy the experience of treating a variety of different kinds of patients in various setting, including our inpatient units and 8 different long-term residential programs located on the Hospital campus.
We offer competitive compensation, attractive benefits and provide malpractice insurance for both hospital
and private practice. Staff psychiatrists may maintain an independent private practice either on or off site.

Tagged as: Physician

How to Apply

If you are interested and would like more information, please contact Tom Conway at 800-783-9152 ext. 231 or email us at [email protected] regarding job CT537 – General Psychiatrist, or apply below.

Upload your CV/resume or any other relevant file. Max. file size: 300 MB.